CorrelAidX Call 15.02.2021
tags: correlaidx calls
TOP0 Introduction
moderation: Isabel
present: Dirk, Lukas, Frie, Isabel
If you couldn’t attend, please fill in the updates for your chapters
Top0: Welcome
TOP1: CorrelAid news:
Would you like to have any events featured in our monthly newsletter? Just send Isabel a DM by Thursday this week
Kick-off meeting for project cycle kick-off 17.02.2021
TOP2: CorrelAidX documentation / strategy / recommendations
In case you start a new project, please check-back with Frie to keep her in the loop as she coordinates all projects --> project board on GitHub
calender option on CorrelCloud --> see what other chapters and your own chapters are doing
Slack welcome message (Munich) maybe interesting for other chapters as well?
TOP3: Local Chapter Update (Short)
CorrelAid matplotlib style sheet for plotting in Python (https://github.com/CorrelAid/correlaid-matplotlib-style)
Setup out two new internal teams:
Upskilling team: New skills and ideas. e.g. bookclub, lighting talks
Outreach team: Establishing and improving contacts with NGOs
Follow up on our data dialogue event from Dec. Project pitch to Ocean Now! (happening right now!). Hopefully this will lead to a new project
Soon Release of the Konstanz - CorrelAidX Twitter-Account
Expansion PR\Sales across the Lake Constance Region
Making progress on API-Wrapper project for the Konstanz Open Data Portal
first calls with interested NPOs
workshop on data visualization on 12 February 2021
3.5 hours
conceptualised for 50 people (eventbrite restriction), 35 people showed up
advertised via Twitter, LinkedIn
Top 5: Open Questions
Would somebody like to share her/his experience during the next open onboarding call on 1st of March at 7pm? (5-10 minuntes casual talk), this is super helpful for CorrelAid newbies :pray:
TOP6 Coming events
Open Online Data Meetup, Wednesday 3 (first Wednesday of the month) March, 7 pm
TidyTuesday Challenge, every 2 weeks (every 2nd and 4th Tuesday), join the #tidytuesday Slack channel to stay tuned
Project Cycle planning meeting on 17 February 2021 at 6 pm, register here
TO DO Isabel: copy agenda to GitBook documentation!
Stay safe everyone!
Last updated