
CorrelAidX Call 18.01.2021

tags: correlaidx calls

TOP0 Introduction

moderation: Isabel present:

If you couldn’t attend, please fill in the updates for your chapters

Top0: Welcome

TOP1: CorrelAid news:

  • second google report is due end of the month

  • new PR strategy in the making (social media, movie, press releases, etc.)

  • We have an interactive map of all local chapters :tada: many thanks to Hendrik :clap:

  • Would you like to have any events featured in our monthly newsletter?

TOP2: CorrelAidX documentation / strategy / recommendations

  • GitBook documentation here: https://app.gitbook.com/invite/correlaid?invite=-MOC7OJaH8vAUXUnyh4-

    • Feedback in GitBook, to share more general information (not the lc meeting minutes, rather where to find them, or who to ask for them), publish this on the website as well?

    • Bremen & Hamburg already filled in their subpages

  • Slack welcome message (Munich) maybe interesting for other chapters as well?

TOP3: Local Chapter Update (Short)


  • Finished last year with a retrospective on 2020 and some brainstorming on plans for 2021

  • First meeting of the year tomorrow (Jan 19) for 'looking forward'

  • Planning to create new teams within the LC

    • 'upskilling team' (creating internal projects and learning opportunities e.g. bookclub, lightning talks)

    • 'outreach team' (contact with NGOs and establishing new projects e.g. data dialogue)

      • Hoping to present at the Digital Social Summit (Sylvi) to make some new contacts (29. and 30.03)

      • Want to create a few NGO 'pathways'


  • Started up a NPO engagement group of 6 people which does standups weekly

  • Finishing up a setup for SalesForce

  • Working on speaking events at NPO communities

  • Restart on the Gmoji Project

  • Had a retrospective with the NL core team, reflecting on why we believe community engagement is important

    • Planning a lightning talk event + wonder after

    • Planning a Talk event + wonder after


  • voluntary fair next week

  • team responsibility instead of fixed roles

  • welcome chatbot

  • calender for local chapters and main CorrelAid events


  • just finished two workshops "Intro to R" (only in german for now)

    • recordings exist, still need to cut them

  • will assist the swiss chapter with their data-viz workshop in February

  • ongoing internal project regarding API Wrapper of OpenData Konstanz

  • Marketing/PR/Sales Team (all in one for now) was formed and had its kickoff

    • primary goal: establishing CorrelAid in the civil society of Konstanz and in the future more outreach in the whole "Bodensee-Region"

    • own social media presence (Twitter, LinkedIn)

    • Sales efforts: Do we have a OnePager? Does it make sense?

  • potential cooperation with your impact konstanz

    • matching platform for volunteers and NPOS/NGOS

    • [name=sebastian] The CorrelAid project (old one) with GoVolunteer might be interesting for you then...



  • online kick-off event with a talk by Simon Stocker on NLP (using data from the Baden-Wuertenberg state parliament) at the 15.12.2020 with ~50 participants

  • now ~4 people in the coreteam and (hopefully) some from the kick-off

  • next meeting today: in planning is a TidyTuesday-Session as lc, some more talks


  • try to get new people on board via university of Cologne and other newsletter

  • kick-off event in the planning


  • Data Meetup Hackathon on Jan 14th and 21st to build a shiny-App that documents reforms of popular voting in the German federal states (data provided by Mehr Demokratie e.V., Arndt from Berlin is also involved)

  • Lukas from Bremen participated in the last CorrelAid Podcast.

  • next lc-bremen core team meeting on Feb 8th

Top 5: Open Questions

Would somebody like to share her/his experience during the next open onboarding call on 1st of February at 7pm? (5-10 minuntes casual talk), this is super helpful for CorrelAid newbies :pray:

TOP6 Coming events

  • Open Online Data Meetup, Wednesday 3 (first Wednesday of the month) February, 7 pm

  • TidyTuesday Challenge, every 2 weeks (every 2nd and 4th Tuesday), join the #tidytuesday Slack channel to stay tuned

  • hackathon mid February

TO DO Isabel: copy agenda to GitBook documentation!

Stay safe everyone!

Last updated