
CorrelAidX Call 20.07.2020

tags: correlaidx calls

TOP0 Introduction

moderation: Isabel protocol: Isabel present: Pia, Daniel, Sarah, Liubov

TOP 0: Agenda

  1. Introduction, Local Chapter updates, CorrelAid news

  2. If there is still time: potential breakout sessions for a more detailed exchange of interests between different local chapters

TOP1: Local Chapter Challenge

  • started last Thursday, 16 July 2020

  • 8 weeks to go

  • 3 registrations, more to come

  • For Updates and support: #correlaid-x-challenge

  • Use of regional statistic data, which is provided openly by the state statistical offices and thanks to the data guide and a CorrelAid team, is easily available with just a few lines of code via a package in Python and R

    • Idea: all local chapter who would like to, can participate (you need to registrate your team) and show a creative use of their regional data with the python package

    • In case you still need a team, just ask in the slack channel (above)

    • Keep in mind that your project, your project results can be a potential door opener to address local NPOs

TOP2: Local Chapter Update (Short)


  • Look for more members, if you know people in Karlsruhe let them know there is a new local chapter


  • start of the new project in #lc-paris which is about citizen science and open data. If you are interested to learn more, just ping Liubov or see also in github one of the latest issue.

    • Project is Paris-London but can be international. We can discuss more with people who are interested to work on it or share volunteer teams


  • two more people on board: Amy and Lucia

  • kicking off a review project tomorrow for the prediction of well being in kids in youth care through mobile phone data.

  • Other than that we’re going full into getting new projects


  • in touch with naklar.io to discuss a potential project, more to come end of August/beginning of September

  • working on the challenge, kick-off call later tonight


  • Offline Data Dialogue planed for September/October


  • Website entry?

    • Short chapter description + contact person's details and picture (slack profile picture is fine, too), see example

Top 3: Expanding the CorrelAidX Network

  • Outreach to universities (and other networks as well) in some cities in the east of Germany:

    • Leipzig

    • Dresden

    • Frankfurt (Oder)

    • Cottbus

    • Halle

    • Magdeburg

    • Erfurt

    • Jena

    • Greifswald

If you know people in any of these places, reach out to them, let Isabel know the contact details or leave them here in the pad :)

Top 4: Open Questions

  • Cross-Chapter collaboration on how to get started/establish routines

    • First CrossChapter meeting between Paris and Netherlands was very fruitful: exchange of experience

    • If you are interested reach out in the #lc-team channel or let Isabel know, she is happy to connect you

TOP5 Coming events

  • Open Online Data Meetup, Wednesday 22 July, 7 pm: Data strategy: What it is and why every company should have one (Sven Thies), register here

TOP6 Final notes

  • New Flyers are ready :tada:take a look in this shared CorrelCloud folder

  • Donot Channel ready to go: Join #correlaid-x-change: first pairing Thursday, 23 July

Stay safe everyone!

Last updated