CorrelAidX Call 20.07.2020
tags: correlaidx calls
TOP0 Introduction
moderation: Isabel protocol: Isabel present: Pia, Daniel, Sarah, Liubov
TOP 0: Agenda
Introduction, Local Chapter updates, CorrelAid news
If there is still time: potential breakout sessions for a more detailed exchange of interests between different local chapters
TOP1: Local Chapter Challenge
started last Thursday, 16 July 2020
8 weeks to go
3 registrations, more to come
For Updates and support: #correlaid-x-challenge
Use of regional statistic data, which is provided openly by the state statistical offices and thanks to the data guide and a CorrelAid team, is easily available with just a few lines of code via a package in Python and R
Idea: all local chapter who would like to, can participate (you need to registrate your team) and show a creative use of their regional data with the python package
In case you still need a team, just ask in the slack channel (above)
Keep in mind that your project, your project results can be a potential door opener to address local NPOs
TOP2: Local Chapter Update (Short)
Look for more members, if you know people in Karlsruhe let them know there is a new local chapter
start of the new project in #lc-paris which is about citizen science and open data. If you are interested to learn more, just ping Liubov or see also in github one of the latest issue.
Project is Paris-London but can be international. We can discuss more with people who are interested to work on it or share volunteer teams
two more people on board: Amy and Lucia
kicking off a review project tomorrow for the prediction of well being in kids in youth care through mobile phone data.
Other than that we’re going full into getting new projects
in touch with naklar.io to discuss a potential project, more to come end of August/beginning of September
working on the challenge, kick-off call later tonight
Offline Data Dialogue planed for September/October
Website entry?
Short chapter description + contact person's details and picture (slack profile picture is fine, too), see example
Top 3: Expanding the CorrelAidX Network
Outreach to universities (and other networks as well) in some cities in the east of Germany:
Frankfurt (Oder)
If you know people in any of these places, reach out to them, let Isabel know the contact details or leave them here in the pad :)
Top 4: Open Questions
Cross-Chapter collaboration on how to get started/establish routines
First CrossChapter meeting between Paris and Netherlands was very fruitful: exchange of experience
If you are interested reach out in the #lc-team channel or let Isabel know, she is happy to connect you
TOP5 Coming events
Open Online Data Meetup, Wednesday 22 July, 7 pm: Data strategy: What it is and why every company should have one (Sven Thies), register here
TOP6 Final notes
New Flyers are ready :tada:take a look in this shared CorrelCloud folder
Donot Channel ready to go: Join #correlaid-x-change: first pairing Thursday, 23 July
Stay safe everyone!
Last updated