tags: correlaidx calls
TOP0 Introduction
moderation: Phil present: Alexander, Andrew
If you couldn’t attend, please fill in the updates for your chapters
Top0: Welcome
TOP1: CorrelAid news:
CorrelAid Social Get-together coming up in August (Saturday 14th)
New local chapter challenge (any ideas from the chapters?)
MVP is nearly done
search bar for social innoviations
project idea: open source sprint in python
NPO: BuildUp - helping peacemakers in Lebanon for the UNDP
scraped social media data
Annotated with tensions
Kaggle challenge: classifying tensions
All open source, hope is to get some people to contribute further on the open source platform after the challenge
idea from Frankfurt
paradise papers:
data is clean
modelling challenge
predictive model: detect bad adresses (shell companies)
Phil contacts Frie for Project Cycle questions by LC-Konstanz
Phil gets Andrew in touch with people from local chapter challenge
TOP2: Local Chapter Update (Short)
New projects:
Macheo (continuing with 4 new volunteers)
Observation international (probably next month?)
Donate Effectively to start end August
ongoing projects:
SLK (geospatial analysis and story of deforestation Kosovo) Will be presenting to the Kosovo Prime minister in 1-2 weeks
Simavi (3 analysts -> 1 analyst)
Safetipin (started)
Looking to exit projects:
Masterpeace (search of social innovations)
Gmoji (predicting emotional state through self-reported emojis)
Focusing on:
Community engagement for people not on projects
Mixing up core-organisation and NPO engagement
Internal data - projects visbility and horizontal organisation
Meetups Organised:
data for energy transition June 30th: Youtube link
Large scale data for crowdsourcing. Speakers:
tentative: Humanitarian data exchange
ongoing projects:
OpenData Konstanz Python Package is ready :fire: (R package might take some time)
Two weeks ago had the chance to present CorrelAid to the students of the university of Konstanz
Got 3 new members from it!
Ongoing transition
looks good
bee-observer part 2
monthly meetings with beekeepers (some of them interested in Data Science!)
Panama Papers
Last updated