CorrelAidX Call 15.06.2020
tags: correlaidx calls
TOP0 Introduction
moderation: Isabel protocol: Regina present: Hendrik, Raphael, Andrew, Daniel, Liam, Karoline, Sophie, Daniela, Jan, Pia, Philipp, Liubov, Isabel
TOP1: Introduction round
Welcome to the new people :)
TOP2: Local Chapter Update
First remote Data Dialogue with GoVolunteer and Amadeu Antonio-Stiftung.
About 11 Data Scientists
Remote Discussion via Zoom BreakOut-Rooms
2 Blogs (towards Organizations & Data Scientists individually) as follow-up for the event
working on documentation (templates, contact-strategy etc.) for other local chapters to use
Next event planned (hopefully in person) in November
follow-up project with Mehr Demokratie e.V. arrives at the actual modelling (with RFM-Analysis)
monthly chapter-call is established (regularly every second monday) --> trello board for assigning responsibilities works fine
hosting Online Data-Meetup at the Univerity Bremen (through the University e-learning-plattform) once a month --> is continuing and working fine
participants of the monthly online meetup have formed an additional telegram-channel (some are also moving over to slack)
Follow Up meeting planning Sector Night on Wednesday
Meeting planned around specific topics (eg. climate change, neighbourhood-cooperation)
inviting NPOs from those sectors
Monthly chapter meeting end of the month via Zoom
Meeting on spatial data with new members
Several proposed projects that need preparation --> Maybe Sector Night/Data Dialogue to get projects started
Setting up banking/website
lost Nobism project to a consultancy that threw a full scrum team at them
looking for speaking opportunities to get in contact with new organizations
Kick-off today (15-06)
Had Kick-Off call
Kick-off on Thursday this week
Hannover / Braunschweig
Kick-off last Wednesday (10.06)
Köln / Bonn
Kick-Off call on Thursday
TOP3: Onboarding-Call
new format: shorter general introduction of CorrelAid, some "VIP-guests" gave insights into more concrete projects, breakout sessions to get to know each other and answer questions
TOP4: Local Chapter Challenge
initiated by Alex and Konrad
Use of regional statistic data, which is provided openly by the state statistical offices and thanks to the data guide and a CorrelAid team, is easily available with just a few lines of code via a package in Python and R
Idea: all local chapter who would like to, can participate (you need to registrate your team) and show a creative use of their regional data with the python package
Timeline: Registration for the challenge approx. mid July, 8 weeks to hand in the project
Next Steps: for all local chapter who are interested: the berlin office will send out a (regional)newsletter email to activate more participants by end of June; last fixing of bugs, finalizing the data/region overview; composition of jury
Updates in #lc-team
Top 5: Open Questions
How to foster collaboration/exchange between new Local Chapters
Create Slack Channel?
invite 1-2 "experts" as well?
--> #lc-Team channel could be used for that as well
Cross-Chapter collaboration on how to get started/established routines
Call with members from other chapter(s)
Setting up the first projects
Berlin, Frankfurt and the Netherlands will discuss who and how they could help in their next lc-meeting, informal calls on open questions
pairing members form different local chapters on virtual coffee-dates
TOP6 Coming events
http://2020.erum.io/ (registration is already closed)
TOP7 Final notes
Master-Presentation slides are finished! :tada:
Stay safe everyone!
Last updated