CorrelAidX Call 21.12.2020
tags: correlaidx calls
TOP0 Introduction
moderation: Isabel present: Phil, Andrew, Alex, Daniel
If you couldn’t attend, please fill in the updates for your chapters
Top0: Welcome
TOP1: CorrelAid news:
CorrelCon2020 is over :muscle:
TOP3: CorrelAidX strategy
following CorrelCons strategy session, who would be interested in joining the process for the local chapters?
first brainstorming here: mural
GitBook documentation here: https://app.gitbook.com/@correlaid/s/correlaidx-cross-chapter-documentation/~/settings/share
Feedback in GitBook, to share more general information (not the lc meeting minutes, rather where to find them, or who to ask for them), publish this on the website as well?
Sales Workshop with Andrew: in case you missed it, you can find the recording here:
CRM (https://latest.cortezaproject.org) open source version, self-hosted
Roles vs Teams (Core Team)
TOP4: Local Chapter Update (Short)
Bremen, Hamburg, Munich
first joint podcast episode online :microphone:
Event will be held on Dec 1st (~19:00)
OceanNow have committed and given a data pitch
Finished our 3rd iteration of our bookclub. Looking for new recommendations.
Our internal project on far-right Telegram groups got coverage on NYT
Introduced lightning talk format (5-10min to introduce something cool you've learnt)
Marketing and getting people involved
Meet-up and PubQuiz
Videos released +several webinars @other events —> payed off
NPO. Engagement team to be set-up (get new people, to get active)
New project w/ Masterpiece
Internal project started on vaccination / disease side effects
Winter get-together was nice (community event)
Volunteer fair in January
Educational Workshop
CorrelAid’s collaboration w/ open data Constanze
bringing CorrelAid to schools
Top 5: Open Questions
TOP6 Coming events
Open Online Data Meetup, Wednesday 6 (first Wednesday of the month) January, 7 pm
TidyTuesday Challenge, every 2 weeks (every 2nd and 4th Tuesday), join the #tidytuesday Slack channel to stay tuned
Stay safe everyone!
Last updated