
CorrelAidX Call 19.10.2020

tags: correlaidx calls

TOP0 Introduction

moderation: Isabel present: Florian, Florian E., Pia, Daniel, Sascha, Maike, Andrew, Trisha, Sarah, Liam, Saleh

TOP1: CorrelAid news:

  • CorrelCon (6-8 November 2020)

  • Please let me know who of you will present your LC using the Pechakucha method on Saturday, 7 November, 4.30-5.30 pm :pray: :pray: :pray:

TOP2: Local Chapter Challenge

  • CONGRATULATIONS to the winning Berlin Chapter :tada: :tada: :tada:

  • and CONGRATULATIONS to the projects of Hamburg, Rheinmain, Munich and Bremen! :sparkles:

    • Follow-up: Blogpost (coming soon), Hosting (Frie is still working on this), presentation @CorrelCon, what else? Did you plan anything?


  • Use of regional statistic data, which is provided openly by the state statistical offices and thanks to the data guide and a CorrelAid team, is easily available with just a few lines of code via a package in Python and R

    • Idea: all local chapter who would like to, can participate (you need to registrate your team) and show a creative use of their regional data with the python package

    • In case you still need a team, just ask in the slack channel (above)

    • Keep in mind that your project, your project results can be a potential door opener to address local NPOs

TOP3: Local Chapter Update (Short)


  • Data Dialogue: Will have an Environmental theme. Organizing for November after the Meetup

    • Have 2 potential NGOs from Berlin:

    • Have 2 potential NGOs from NL:

      • Friends of the Earth NL

      • Org promoting local food production

  • Also starting to get involved with TidyTuesday

  • Next meeting 20/10/2020


  • Data Dialogue togehter with the Berlin Chapter

  • München

  • will participate at the Freiwilligenmesse in January (a fair for NPOs to reach out to volunteers); might be a also a good opportunity to get in contact with other NPOs

  • possible project with Naklar.io: next week we will have our first meeting with them


  • started reaching out to NPOs, haven't heard back from them, looking for new projects

  • meeting byweekly

Köln / Bonn (#LC-West)

  • Meeting every second Monday at 19:00, only digital for now (Check #lc-west on Slack for Link & Updates)

  • Starting with a small data project on bikes to get started :bicyclist:

Top 5: Open Questions

  • Cross-Chapter collaboration on how to get started/establish routines

    • First CrossChapter meeting between Paris and Netherlands was very fruitful: exchange of experience

    • Second CrossChapter meeting between Paris and Rheinmain

    • If you are interested reach out in the #lc-team channel or let Isabel know, she is happy to connect you

TOP6 Coming events

  • Kick-off for the CorrelAid mentoring programme, Thursday, 22 October at 7 pm

  • Open Online Data Meetup, Wednesday 28 October, 7 pm: Untangling Matplotlib: An Interactive Workshop

  • TidyTuesday Challenge, every 2 weeks (every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, next one: 27 October), join the #tidytuesday Slack channel to stay tuned

  • CorrelCon: 6-8 November :raised_hands:

Stay safe everyone!

Last updated