CorrelAidX Call 17.08.2020
tags: correlaidx calls
TOP0 Introduction
moderation: Isabel protocol: Isabel present: Andrew, Daniel M. Benjamin, Thomas, Liam, Rouxuan
TOP 0: Agenda
Introduction, Local Chapter updates, CorrelAid news
If there is still time: potential breakout sessions for a more detailed exchange of interests between different local chapters
TOP1: CorrelAid news:
the Berlin Office will be joined by Tasneem and Heba from September until end of November :tada: they will complete their IFA scholarship at CorrelAid and support our work in various areas. We would love them to meet you and vice versa. In case your LC has a small project/ event planned in this period of time, let me know :)
CorrelAid Meetup in the pipeline: https://pad.correlaid.org/reQkOPLoQe2bphbYTa6i0w#
channel #netzwerk-meetup
survey in #general
TOP2: Local Chapter Challenge
started 16 July 2020
4 weeks to go
7 registrations (+Bremen this week)
For Updates and support: #correlaid-x-challenge
Use of regional statistic data, which is provided openly by the state statistical offices and thanks to the data guide and a CorrelAid team, is easily available with just a few lines of code via a package in Python and R
Idea: all local chapter who would like to, can participate (you need to registrate your team) and show a creative use of their regional data with the python package
In case you still need a team, just ask in the slack channel (above)
Keep in mind that your project, your project results can be a potential door opener to address local NPOs
TOP3: Local Chapter Update (Short)
Internal blog for June data dialogue is now available. We give some learnings from the event (https://correlaid.org/en/blog/datadialogue-berlin-online-recap/). Some general take-aways:
Use templates to streamline the process of creating data challenge pitches with NPOs
Start earlier so that we have finalised pitches earlier before the event so that participants have more info on what to expect.
Next data dialogue planned in October-November (will be discussed at next LC-Berlin meeting on 18/08/2020).
Possibly plan together with another LC (Netherlands and Munich both interested, will be in touch)
If being held in November, could be combined with the CorrelAid meetup.
Bookclub on 'Invisible Women' was a big success. Might have some interesting notes to share with others.
Next bookclub on 'The Smart Enough City' (https://smartenoughcity.mitpress.mit.edu/), probably in 2 months
Gender mobility project coming out of the Invisible Women bookclub using Madrid data.
found a good way to organize themself as a team:
monthly orga calls where upcoming tasks are distributed and documented in the trello board
Two main community projects:
Datentreff (monthly via university plattform: big blue button, like the Open Online Data meetup)
CorrelAidX Challenge: one long kick-off Call/workshop this week and another workshop in about 2 weeks
ongoing skilled-volunteering projects:
Mehr Demokratie: Fine-tuning of machine-learning modells to predict donation probability of posst-mailing recipients for future campaigns
Bee Observer: collaboration with University of Bremen and local chapter Rhine-Main to predict environmental hazards for bee populations
two more people on board: Drena & Maria
The review project for the prediction of well being in kids in youth care through mobile phone data didn't have code to review, so we turned it into a PoC of a prediction model.
Onboarding process needs to be improved, formalisation of position, board of 7/8 members and system that allows knowledge to be spread even if people are less available
Other than that, things in the pipeline: Masterpeace for a search/recommedation system for known innovations that can help other NPO's
in touch with naklar.io to discuss a potential project, more to come end of August/beginning of September
working on the challenge, kick-off call later tonight
Offline Data Dialogue planed for September/October --> Update on EducationY: Kick-off Call 2 weeks ago, they plan to do a collective impact measurement project and need our advise / workshop content
Website entry?
Short chapter description + contact person's details and picture (slack profile picture is fine, too), see example
Rhein-Main Frankfurt
Small core team, only professionals. Could search more contact to universities to attract students who tend to have more time.
A few projects ongoing
Sector night planned for autumn
Two online meetups held in spring (ca. 12 people)
Top 4: Expanding the CorrelAidX Network
Outreach to universities (and other networks as well) in some cities in the east of Germany:
:tada: Leipzig --> In touch with Thomas from Uni Leipzig, remote or in person Kick-Off / CorrelAid introduction meeting is planned for mid October
Frankfurt (Oder)
If you know people in any of these places, reach out to them, let Isabel know the contact details or leave them here in the pad :)
Top 5: Open Questions
Cross-Chapter collaboration on how to get started/establish routines
First CrossChapter meeting between Paris and Netherlands was very fruitful: exchange of experience
If you are interested reach out in the #lc-team channel or let Isabel know, she is happy to connect you
TOP6 Coming events
Open Online Data Meetup, Wednesday 26 August, 7 pm: Interactive Science: Using Shiny and R to make research more accessible. (Cosima Meyer), register here
TOP7 Final notes
New Flyers are ready :tada:take a look in this shared CorrelCloud folder
Donot Channel is finally up and running! How were your first pairings?
Stay safe everyone!
Last updated