
CorrelAidX Call 17.08.2020

tags: correlaidx calls

TOP0 Introduction

moderation: Isabel protocol: Isabel present: Andrew, Daniel M. Benjamin, Thomas, Liam, Rouxuan

TOP 0: Agenda

  1. Introduction, Local Chapter updates, CorrelAid news

  2. If there is still time: potential breakout sessions for a more detailed exchange of interests between different local chapters

TOP1: CorrelAid news:

  • the Berlin Office will be joined by Tasneem and Heba from September until end of November :tada: they will complete their IFA scholarship at CorrelAid and support our work in various areas. We would love them to meet you and vice versa. In case your LC has a small project/ event planned in this period of time, let me know :)

  • CorrelAid Meetup in the pipeline: https://pad.correlaid.org/reQkOPLoQe2bphbYTa6i0w#

    channel #netzwerk-meetup

    survey in #general


    • name

    • datum

TOP2: Local Chapter Challenge

  • started 16 July 2020

  • 4 weeks to go

  • 7 registrations (+Bremen this week)

  • For Updates and support: #correlaid-x-challenge

  • Use of regional statistic data, which is provided openly by the state statistical offices and thanks to the data guide and a CorrelAid team, is easily available with just a few lines of code via a package in Python and R

    • Idea: all local chapter who would like to, can participate (you need to registrate your team) and show a creative use of their regional data with the python package

    • In case you still need a team, just ask in the slack channel (above)

    • Keep in mind that your project, your project results can be a potential door opener to address local NPOs

TOP3: Local Chapter Update (Short)


  • Internal blog for June data dialogue is now available. We give some learnings from the event (https://correlaid.org/en/blog/datadialogue-berlin-online-recap/). Some general take-aways:

    • Use templates to streamline the process of creating data challenge pitches with NPOs

    • Start earlier so that we have finalised pitches earlier before the event so that participants have more info on what to expect.

  • Next data dialogue planned in October-November (will be discussed at next LC-Berlin meeting on 18/08/2020).

    • Possibly plan together with another LC (Netherlands and Munich both interested, will be in touch)

    • If being held in November, could be combined with the CorrelAid meetup.

  • Bookclub on 'Invisible Women' was a big success. Might have some interesting notes to share with others.


  • found a good way to organize themself as a team:

    • monthly orga calls where upcoming tasks are distributed and documented in the trello board

  • Two main community projects:

    • Datentreff (monthly via university plattform: big blue button, like the Open Online Data meetup)

    • CorrelAidX Challenge: one long kick-off Call/workshop this week and another workshop in about 2 weeks

  • ongoing skilled-volunteering projects:

    • Mehr Demokratie: Fine-tuning of machine-learning modells to predict donation probability of posst-mailing recipients for future campaigns

    • Bee Observer: collaboration with University of Bremen and local chapter Rhine-Main to predict environmental hazards for bee populations


  • two more people on board: Drena & Maria

  • The review project for the prediction of well being in kids in youth care through mobile phone data didn't have code to review, so we turned it into a PoC of a prediction model.

  • Onboarding process needs to be improved, formalisation of position, board of 7/8 members and system that allows knowledge to be spread even if people are less available

  • Other than that, things in the pipeline: Masterpeace for a search/recommedation system for known innovations that can help other NPO's


  • in touch with naklar.io to discuss a potential project, more to come end of August/beginning of September

  • working on the challenge, kick-off call later tonight


  • Offline Data Dialogue planed for September/October --> Update on EducationY: Kick-off Call 2 weeks ago, they plan to do a collective impact measurement project and need our advise / workshop content


  • Website entry?

    • Short chapter description + contact person's details and picture (slack profile picture is fine, too), see example

Rhein-Main Frankfurt

  • Small core team, only professionals. Could search more contact to universities to attract students who tend to have more time.

  • A few projects ongoing

  • Sector night planned for autumn

  • Two online meetups held in spring (ca. 12 people)

Top 4: Expanding the CorrelAidX Network

  • Outreach to universities (and other networks as well) in some cities in the east of Germany:

    • :tada: Leipzig --> In touch with Thomas from Uni Leipzig, remote or in person Kick-Off / CorrelAid introduction meeting is planned for mid October

    • Dresden

    • Frankfurt (Oder)

    • Cottbus

    • Halle

    • Magdeburg

    • Erfurt

    • Jena

    • Greifswald

If you know people in any of these places, reach out to them, let Isabel know the contact details or leave them here in the pad :)

Top 5: Open Questions

  • Cross-Chapter collaboration on how to get started/establish routines

    • First CrossChapter meeting between Paris and Netherlands was very fruitful: exchange of experience

    • If you are interested reach out in the #lc-team channel or let Isabel know, she is happy to connect you

TOP6 Coming events

  • Open Online Data Meetup, Wednesday 26 August, 7 pm: Interactive Science: Using Shiny and R to make research more accessible. (Cosima Meyer), register here

TOP7 Final notes

  • New Flyers are ready :tada:take a look in this shared CorrelCloud folder

  • Donot Channel is finally up and running! How were your first pairings?

Stay safe everyone!

Last updated