tags: correlaidx calls
TOP0 Introduction
moderation: Phil present: Marco
If you couldn’t attend, please fill in the updates for your chapters
Top0: Welcome
TOP1: CorrelAid news:
Would you like to have any events featured in our monthly newsletter? Just send Phil a DM by Wednesday this week (next week is fine too)
short personal note: are there any specific things Isabel helped you with which I should continue?
DSEE funding accepted (40.000€) :money_with_wings:
mainly use content from our project cycle to create an education platform for volunteers and npos
anybody interested? -> contact Nina
searching (paid :money_with_wings:) tutors for october, november, december: ~800€
todo phil ask nina about specifics
searching for people who want to get a "Vereinsmitglied" or member of the "Förderverein"
spread the word! 📢
idea from Konstanz-PR: prepare little clips for our instagram channel :video_camera: :camera:
no point in having separate channels for each chapter
just pin each chapter with a different story
board meeting ahead:
questions concerning the LCs:
do we need more cooperation (besides this Call)?
how do we ensure a proper transition, minimize personal dependencies?
spread funding to the LCs?
what do you think about fees for members?
TOP2: Local Chapter Challenge
TOP3: Local Chapter Update (Short)
Ocean. Now! survey design project:
Survey has been deployed now in Kiel and (soon) in Berlin.
Project management was a bit chaotic.
Would be good to redo the project management workshop.
Could we require a project lead volunteer?
Open Data Konstanz
Python Packages for Open Data Constance is nearly finished. link
R package for Open Data Constance is in progress.
Stolpersteine Project
Collecting the data
Pr Team: Instagram Stories
We wanted to get a bit more attention in Constance and planned some instagram takeovers.
We wanted to take there @CorrelAid and then the plan was that every chapter has their own fixed story at CorrelAid for further informations.
Flyer for New members
Design of a flyer for new members
Canva Account from CorrelAid?
Just in process...
Data Manipulation Workshop
Web Scraping Workshop
Top 4: Open Questions
Would somebody like to share her/his experience during the next open onboarding call on 6th of September at 7pm? (5-10 minutes casual talk), this is super helpful for CorrelAid newbies :pray:
TOP5 Coming events
Theory of impact measurement workshop from Nina only in :de:
cool tidytuesdy tomorrow
something you want to have featured?
Last updated