
CorrelAidX Call 17.05.2021

tags: correlaidx calls

TOP0 Introduction

moderation: Isabel present: Daniel, Phil

If you couldn’t attend, please fill in the updates for your chapters

Top0: Welcome

TOP1: CorrelAid news:

  • Would you like to have any events featured in our monthly newsletter? Just send Isabel a DM by Wednesday this week

  • fundraising - just a short heads-up: we need to make sure that all applications we submit on behalf of CorrelAid are legally correct. Under association law, we must adhere to certain guidelines or we will be liable for violations. Please cross-check with Berlin Office / the association Board

  • Event on how to become a team lead / project coordinator in the planning for the 18th of June

  • Isabel's summer holiday is coming up --> offline for 3 weeks, starting next week, please let me know if you need anything prepared / set-up for that time

TOP2: CorrelAidX documentation / strategy / recommendations

  • Frie composed a guide to help with the decision “do we do a project with this NPO or not?” If you are in the decision process, please take a look. When in doubt, please join the Core Team Call (every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 7 pm), access info in the #telko channel

  • In case you start a new project, please check-back with Frie to keep her in the loop as she coordinates all projects --> project board on GitHub: https://github.com/CorrelAid/projects/projects/1

  • New chapter in Jena coming up :tada: 12 people involved so far, Kick-off Meeting in the planning. Spread the word if you know interested people from Jena (or Weimar or Erfurt)

  • New Chapter in Spain coming up, in close cooperation with Data4Good Barcelona

TOP3: Local Chapter Update (Short)


  • Data Feminism bookclub Mar 18

    • Sylvi is giving a summary as a lightning talk at our monthly meeting

  • Ocean Now! project will be run as part of Berlin photo week

    • Aug 26, 2021 – Fri, Sep 3, 2021

  • We're doing some cross-chapter lightning talks with Cologne!

  • Rotary Club Presentation Mar 18 (haven't heard the outcome yet)


Ongoing projects:

  • VVN (traffic NGO)

  • SLK (satellite imagery deforestation Kosovo)

  • Gmoji (youth wellbeing)

  • Masterpeace (search platform for social innovations)

Last month:

  • Meetup on ethics in AI

  • Donate effectively fell through - will restart in August

  • Bi-monthly core-team retrospective:

    • People are busy with life and work and studies - There was need for a reiteration that we are volunteers and that means that life and work take precendence over CorrelAid. We definitely see solutions in organisational structures to mitigate the outcomes of this mantra of Life, then Work, then if you have time and headspace: CorrelAid.

  • Scoping:

    • HiiL

    • Macheo

    • TNI

    • Observation International

This Month:

  • Local Lightning Talk evening

  • Experimenting with Horizontal Organization structures for NPO engagement team

  • Looking at Non-Commercial partnerships/networks with CxOs of Commercial companies

  • Starting with a Data Science intern!

  • Scoping:

    • HiiL

    • Macheo

    • TNI

    • Open Democracy

    • The Present


  • Education: Call with Uni statistics tutors, schedule is set and we are working on the content, hosting on our own website

    • First workshop of the year in the books (100+ participants :fire:)

      • material still hosted via old Github and not on website

      • got us new members (not from participants but from the statistic tutors)

    • next two workshops will be about data cleaning and web scraping (with friendly support of faculty staff)

  • Stolpersteine: data-cleaning and setting up infrastructure

    • Stolpersteine with Frankfurter Chapter: first contact, going to get in direct contact with artist (via our contact in KN)

  • Open Data: Open Government Dialogue, helping with data, project until June/july, refactoring and testing packages, IBH project

  • IBH project:

    • Project with hochschule in Sankt-Gallen, Ravensburg-Weingarten, Voralberg, Kempten, and HTWG

    • Focus: create a international open data platform for the lake of Constance

    • Awaiting final decision of IBH if the project gets funding

  • ADILT: presentation in July, focus on open data, show off our packages

    • maybe get in touch with Nina as a co-host?

  • PR/Twitter --> feel free to get in touch to share things for comm :)

    • thinking about new strategies to expand our network of volunteers outside of the university


  • Education: we are preparing an internal SQL-workshop, it will be open for everyone so if you're interested you can join us

  • Projects: upcoming project with the Wildvogel-Pflegestation Kirchwald e.V. (bird rehabilitation station)

  • Visibility: several possibilities to introduce CorrelAid to new people

    • barcamp meetup

    • consultancy Conet

    • LMU presentation

Top 5: Open Questions

Would somebody like to share her/his experience during the next open onboarding call on 7th of June at 7pm? (5-10 minutes casual talk), this is super helpful for CorrelAid newbies :pray:

TOP 6: Community Idea

host an OODM on the Use R conference to share learning experiences and insights with each other. Phil will reach out to Garret and Walter

TOP7 Coming events

  • Project Cycle workshop on data from the web: Tomorrow, Tuesday, 18th of May at 7pm, register here and check out the programme for June (e.g. interactive dashboards, report automatization)

  • TidyTuesday Challenge, every 2 weeks (every 2nd and 4th Tuesday), join the #tidytuesday Slack channel to stay tuned

  • CorrelAidX Stuttgart Event: Data Science, Meaning, and Diversity - Epistemic Humility and Standpoint Theory for doing data science better: 15 June 2021 at 8 pm. Register here.

  • Workshop on Project Coordination / Project lead on the 18th of June, register here

TO DO Isabel: copy agenda to GitBook documentation!

Stay safe everyone!

Last updated