CorrelAidX Call 15.03.2021
tags: correlaidx calls
TOP0 Introduction
moderation: Isabel present: Phil, Fabian, Florian, Liam, Alex M.
If you couldn’t attend, please fill in the updates for your chapters
Top0: Welcome
TOP1: CorrelAid news:
NEW BLOG: CorrelAid Codes --> https://codes.correlaid.org
Would you like to have any events featured in our monthly newsletter? Just send Isabel a DM by Thursday this week
Digital Social Summit coming up
Project cycle coming up :tada: Kick-off on 8/9 of April (more than 70 applications)
TOP2: CorrelAidX documentation / strategy / recommendations
In case you start a new project, please check-back with Frie to keep her in the loop as she coordinates all projects --> project board on GitHub: https://github.com/CorrelAid/projects/projects/1
calender option on CorrelCloud --> see what other chapters and your own chapters are doing
Slack welcome message (Munich) maybe interesting for other chapters as well?
New chapter in Jena coming up :tada: first exchange of ideas: 13 April, 1 pm, spread the word if you know interested people from Jena (or Weimar or Erfurt)
New Chapter in Dresden coming up
New Chapter in Spain coming up
TOP3: Local Chapter Update (Short)
Two projects in the April kickoff (Ocean. Now! and Brandenburger Frauenhäuser)
New org teams are up and running:
Upskilling team
Scheduled lightning talks
Book club March 18th, 20:00
Outreach team
Presentation at the Rotary Club
Decision tree for CorrelAid event types
NPO engagement team (growing)+ Core team
new project w/ SLK + mateo
couple of meet-ups planned w/red cross + wild life
speed dating bingo event (approx. 18 people attended)
sales force account
difficulties w/ social media
Twitter Account in the making
should go live next two weeks
Participation at: https://www.bodenseehochschule.org/labs/2022-ideenworkshop/ together with OpenData Konstanz:
the application video: https://nxt.upsalala.de/index.php/s/z9Hkki5KpMdtWgd
Ongoing projects with OpenData Konstanz
package development
Digital Lab with Fraunhofer (23.04., 30.04. und 21.05.)
Will have our own week and lecture at: https://www.uni-konstanz.de/lehren/advanced-data-and-information-literacy-track-adilt/
scheduled date: 8. July 2021
topic: OpenData feat. Data4Good
Possible projects:
contact with: Stolpersteine Konstanz, NABU, Biotop Heinz Sielmann, Caritas
Stolpersteine: potential to scale up!
produce small "image video" aimed at NPOs
prepared effect/template in DaVinci Resolve (transparent band with name and title in corporate design), happy to share!
extension of bee observer project (2 new members from other chapters)
internal project on panama papers wil probably start next week, already 5-6 people interested in it
last LC meet-up: discussion with NP start-up GamesKonfigurator on how to implement recommendation engine for kids-friendly games. Will let HQ know in case things get more concrete
local chapter meet-up next week with talk by member on Data Privacy preserving ML. Meetup
Bi-Weekly meetings - Tuesday 7PM
Tomorrow: Talk by Sascha about Behavioural insights to change energy consumption patterns in Kosovo
New MeetUp-Account is growing nicely. (Thanks to Dylan from CorrelAidX Switzerland!)
Financial support by CorrelAid headquarters to build 10 OpenBikeSensors and support the general project.
Goal: Learn about electronics, soldering and assembly (~10 hours build time)
Collect own local Data and analyse it
Test the idea as a blueprint for other chapters
Sensors are owned by CorrelAid - plans for sharing sensors with other chapters
Updates & Discussion on Slack:
data meetups
started as a university course, sending out invitations through correlaid-newsletter since the beginning of the year
at the moment working on Shiny-App for the visualisation of Reforms of popular votes ("Volksgesetzgebung") in Germany (https://github.com/henfiedler/Volksgesetzgebung)
continuing with next meting april 1st, first 15 minutes is reserved for onborading of newcomers
project with Mehr Demokratie is about to be finished --> Ongoing Review Process
researching new project partnerships at the moment
exchange with lc-netherlands (Christine)
possible collaboration: Workshop about our current Data Meetup-Projekt
two chapter members (Christine and Long) are taking the project lead for the sub-projects with Citizens' for Europe respectively :tada: --> good example for interaction between local CorrelAidX chapters and the "global" CorrelAid network.
Top 5: Open Questions
Would somebody like to share her/his experience during the next open onboarding call on 6th of April at 7pm? (5-10 minutes casual talk), this is super helpful for CorrelAid newbies :pray: :exclamation: due to Easter the Call will be exceptionally on a TUESDAY
TOP6 Coming events
Data Feminism” by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein. We will meet on Thursday 18th of March at 8pm here (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87210873290?pwd=bi9HREtBQ2lqTFFtdXdGNFBLMVBIZz09&from=addon)
TidyTuesday Challenge, every 2 weeks (every 2nd and 4th Tuesday), join the #tidytuesday Slack channel to stay tuned
Digital Social Summit 29/30/31 of March 2021
TO DO Isabel: copy agenda to GitBook documentation!
Stay safe everyone!
Last updated